捐款方法如欲支持本會為視障人士推行的普及健體運動,歡迎各善心人士作出善款支持或物資捐贈。捐款港幣$100元或以上,本會將發回捐款收據以作申請寬減稅項之用。本會的稅項寬減檔案號碼為 91/15550。
捐款方法 - PayMe (QR code見頁底) 轉數快: 107437600 銀行戶口轉帳: 匯豐銀行 124-527805-838 劃線支票:抬頭註明“香港失明人健體會有限公司” 請將轉帳紀錄/入數紙連同捐款人姓名及聯絡方法WhatsApp 66704611 / 電郵到 [email protected] 支票(背面請寫上捐款人姓名、聯絡電話)連同收取收據地址等資料寄到本會即可。 你亦可掃描以下QR Code透過PayMe捐款。如需收據,請在訊息欄輸入收據姓名及電話號碼或電郵地址以便發送收據。 |
Donation MethodWe welcome any money or goods donation. Donations of HK$100 or above will get a tax- deductible donation receipt. Our tax exemption file number is 91/15550.
Donation methods - PayMe (QR code at bottom part of the page) FPS ID: 107437600 HSBC Bank A/C: 124-527805-838 Crossed cheque: payable to "Blind Sports Hong Kong Limited" Please WhatsApp (T:66704611) or email ([email protected]) the transaction record with donor's name and contact information for handling. For cheque, please kindly write down your name, telephone number and indicate that it's a donation for Blind Sports Hong Kong at the back then send by post. You can scan the QR code below to donate via PayMe. If a donation receipt is required, please write down donor's name and contact information for sending the receipt. |